Last Thursday August 14th, Wow that was a week ago. Was an interesting day.
This is the story as I was told/remember. For more details ask Brett.
I was super excited because that Thursday we, as a Primary Presidency, were going to have our first meeting together and I had so many idea floating around my head. Well if any of your are LDS you know that meetings never start on time, unless it's sacrament meeting. The meeting started at 4:00 at 4:10 I get a call from Brett and he says
"Um... I have a problem, I just got in an accident. I'm okay but the car is pretty messed up. They are sending a tow truck."
"Do I need to come and get you?"
"Maybe I will call you back."
He calls me back and says the car is un-driveable (sp?)
I didn't want to leave my much anticipated meeting that had just started, so I called up my good brother Nate and had him pick up my truck and go and get Brett. Thanks Nate Dawg : )
I guess what happened was that Brett was driving home on the I-10 going westbound in the far left lane next to the carpool lane. He was slowing down, not stopping, just like you do in stop and go traffic, when so crazy crack out guy rammed into him which propelled him into the car in front of him. EVERYONE WAS OKAY. Our new 2007 Hyundai Tucson however is not. The bumper is no mas/more, exhaust is bent, the doors really will not open, and the radiator was broken. Brett never even saw the guy coming. I believe the van in front got some damage but didn't have to be towed. The guy behind wouldn't talk to anyone because he was either to shocked or stoned too. I believe they did take him to the hospital just to be safe but there was no visible damage. The police officer did determine it was the stupid guy's, behind Brett, fault.
So his insurance company has hooked us up with a rental car that we are loving. It's a 2006 Ford Fusion. It actually goes fast when you push on the gas unlike my 4 cylinder suv.
We just got the word yesterday that there was extensive damage that it is a total loss.
We are kind of excited that we get to buy a new car. it was a blessing as well because we wanted to get out of our high priced suv but didn't know how. Now we are just looking for something cheap and gets good gas mileage.
Wow. I'm glad everyone was ok. That is so scary. Blessings in disguise though I suppose. That same thing happened with my mom who was glad her car was totalled so she could get a better one. Whatever works ya know?
Thank goodness everyone is ok! Jason totally passed that accident on his way home from work! I was upset that he was taking so long to get home and he later told me there was an accident (discribing that). I guess I should count my blessings.
On the car front, you should get a fusion! We love ours, and the gas isn't too bad:D It fits 2 kids perfectly tooo!!!!! hint hint :D
I am sooooo in love with my Scion xb it is very dependable and gets 30 miles a gal sometimes more. PLUS we have tons of room on the inside.
Since I work in the service dep. for a Ford company.. and see all the cars that come in and out, I agree you should get a Fusion! They are very dependable cars. Also if you are looking for an SUV that has decent mileage I'd look at a Ford Edge. They are really cute and also havent had problems (I never see them in for major service issues) and I have fallen in love with them.
Oh and I'm glad your hubby is ok! Thankfully he wasn't on his bike! That would have been horrible!
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