Saturday, July 25, 2009

house projects

I've been quite busy decorating my new house and painting every single room, including trim and closets.
By popular demand I am now posting pictures of my progress. I will post many more soon as I finish the last touches on each room.
My house looks brand new now.
My nice Gordon Sign for my pot shelf.
This picture shows you just how big the sign actually is.
Drum roll please.....

Before and After
Chocolate Themed Bathroom

Before and After

Before and after
Living Room
I think I did a pretty good job decorating around an elk head

Before and After
My new Yellow Kitchen


Jill Rosenhan said...

Looking great! I'll have to call you when I get a house so you can help me decorate ;) Congrats on everything! You guys are so cute and happy! I love it!

The Nelsons said...

It looks great! Hopefully next time I am in the valley I can come see it.

Jonny and Brittany said...

ADORABLE!!! I love how bright and open it excited for you guys!!!

Jenny and Shane said...

Looks good! the bathroom came together well. I love how Tori got so upset that she couldn't go in when you were painting.