Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Learn something new everyday.

I find the saying to be true that you can learn something new everyday. 
Well today while watching an educational television show with Tori (Go Diego Go), they kept talking about pink river dolphins. I had to look it up and see if it was true. 
Who would have thought there were PINK dolphins.... Not me. AND now you know as well. 

The Pink Dolphins are the amazing animals of Amazon region. Of the five fresh water species of Dolphins in the world, the Pink Amazon River Dolphins ( Iniagesffrensis ) are considered to be the most intelligent. They are friendly sensitive mammals with a brain capacity of 40 % larger than that of human. But it has become one of the endangered species due to the accelerated and commercialized rape of Amazon basin. The Pink Dolphins engage in solitary hunting and feeding strategies during the high water season when their prey fishes disperse into the flood plains. At other times they found in small family groups of 5-8 animals which seem to be lead by a dominant adult male. They grow upto 10 feet long and weigh 90 kg. Usually calves can be born between the months of July and September and new born calves are in the length of 75 cm. A unique characteristic of these fishes is the unfused vertebrae in its neck, which allows for the 180 degree head turn. This enables them the easy hunting of their preys.


Doug & Randi said...

Your blog is so cute. I love the info on river dolphins because when I was little I was obsessed with dolphins and knew everything about them...haha.

The Payne family said...

PINK DOLPHINS? Why am I just hearing of this? I have a new favorite animal!

Clint and Mari Cluff said...

Cute Blog! We watch Diego at our house too, I must not pay very good attention, who knew their were pink dolphins. They are sure pretty.

Jonny and Brittany said...

I tagged you...just go to my blog and follow the directions!:)

Tisha and Mark said...

hey! so glad you found my blog! I can't believe how big Tori is!! I just went through your blog and saw the Harley jacket....I totally need to borrow that and have Mckinley's pictures taken in it! Or at least tell me where you bought it so I can get one! How are things?