Saturday, November 8, 2008

Is Christmas still in December?

So I was driving home from work last night and I love to listen to Dalilah on 99.9. I like her heart felt dedication songs on my way home and knowing that people truly care about others. However, due to my surprise, they have already started to play their Christmas jingles. It's November 7th PEOPLE. This particular station fulfills AZ holiday Christmas carol needs (during Christmas time).I thought to myself okay having one song every now and then is okay but it was one continuous Christmas song after another. Apparently they decided to not wait until after Thanksgiving and start right after Halloween. 
Don't get me wrong I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas song. But come on. It's a bit early don't you think. Two straight months of Christmas carols??? Okay!?!
Maybe next year they will start after Labor Day.


bretandjulie said...

I must disagree with you on this one. I'm excited to know that they've already started, I've just been playing my CDs. Not that Thanksgiving isn't great, but do people really get in the Thanksgiving spirit? So do you think I should have waited until after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas?

Thanks to your testimony I felt the need speak my mind and to express my opinion. J/K

Nikki and Edward Moure said...

You know me, Heather. I agree with the above statement. I am so glad for Christmas songs and silly stores that put up Christmas stuff right next to the Halloween items. I love it! In fact, I haven't decorated for Christmas yet and it is making me sad. I explained to Eddie this past weekend that Thanksgiving does not mark the beginning of the holiday season. Rather you spend all of November decorating for Christmas and then use Thanksgiving as a preparatory holiday. Its like a practice, a dress-rehearsal, a pretest, for the actual holiday season.

Heather said...

you two are so funny. I love Christmas as well and I am all ready getting ready for it. I think I was taken back by having the songs on already. I love it either way. : )_

ThePalmers said...

Sorry for the mass "commenting" everyone, but check out the HHS friends get together at