Monday, April 27, 2009

New Stuff

So we have been a little busy as usually, just like everyone else.
We have recently decided(with the thanks going to my Father-in-law) to purchase a home. 
It's very adult of us. The timing couldn't be better for us so we must push forward. 
We are still looking to live in Goodyear so no worries there. There are SO many houses out there right now that we are allowed to be picky.  So... wish us luck. 

Tori has also now started to completely walk on her own. Wish us luck on that one as well. 
Church will never be the same again as long as I have a child roaming the halls.
I just love her drunken walk. It's priceless. 


Jonny and Brittany said...

Congrats Girlie!!! That's fantastic!!! Being a homeowner is hard work but totally worth it...I still think you should come to Gilbert though!!

The Chambers said...

YAY! congrats on getting a new home...that's so exciting and yes...very adultish. :) Goodyear is far out there, I have only been there once I think, but many times driving though I don't remember any of it. Isn't it kind of small? good luck with it!

Tiffanie White said...

OH YAY!! You're gonna buy a house! How exciting, and right now is such a perfect time to buy! You can buy mine from me :) jk...

I know what you're saying about church never being the same... I watch all the mommy's in my family ward that I've been going to for five months and wonder how I'm ever gonna do it. lol