Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bike Trip

During Spring Break my family and I were able to take a nice little motorcycle ride to Prescott. 
Of course the weather was perfect which I am thankful for. 
I'm just so glad that so many members of my family own a bike. Brett, my Dad, Shane, and Nate. Me and Jenny rode on the back. 
It was so nice to be outside and doing something different. We are all thankful we wore sunscreen that day. Except for Nate who learned the very,very, VERY hard way. 

Maybe we can plan another trip soon before it gets ridiculously hot. 
Nate, Jenny, Me, Brett, Shane
Nate Dawg, me, Dad, Shanester, Jenny


Jonny and Brittany said...

How fun!!! I need to get a bike now I think!

Clint and Mari Cluff said...

That sounds like fun! Glad you had a good time! You should definitely try and do it again before it gets HOT!