Monday, June 8, 2009


At least I try to blog about something once a week. That's better than some people. 

I have been keeping myself busy with cleaning and organizing my house so that I may move here shortly. If anyone needs a place to rent or knows someone who is sane and needs a place to rent the above house will be available as soon as I get my crap out of it. So let me know asap.  I've just been busy deep cleaning my house including base boards, fridge, bathrooms. All the fun stuff that you put off until the bitter end. Right now our closing date for our new house is on the 25th of this month. We are hoping to move in by the 20th or before. 
My new house need a much needed make over. Every single room needs to be painted and cleaned. Even closets. So if anyone has an extra hour or two at the end of the month please please please let me know. Thanks in advance : )

On a different note:
Our TRUCK WAS STOLEN! Yep that's right. Last Friday I went to get into my car after work at 11pm and it was no longer in the parking lot. It's a super creepy feeling to have your vehicle stolen. I just wondered around the parking lot with my clicker in hand looking for some light to go off somewhere. But it never happened. On a good note though highway patrol found in on Monday somewhere between Casa Grande and Tuscon. It was beaten up pretty badly. Our insurance has deemed it a total loss. 
So we must find another vehicle here soon.   It sure would have been nice to have our big old truck when we move down the street in a couple weeks. 
We will manage though, and I'll try not to lose another vehicle at work again. 


southolive said...

What That sucks!! Dang People! That happened to my Sister once, her car was found close to the Mexico U.S. border It was totally worthless after that too.

The Payne family said...

I can't believe that! That is really scary. I'm not sure how I would react if my car were stolen. Yikes! Hope you find a new one though that you like even better!

Jonny and Brittany said...

Oh my gosh!!!! That's crazy! I'm so sorry you had to go through that!!! I will be out of town in cali from the 23rd all the way to the 29th. After that let me know what I can do to help!!! I'm in school but I should be able to put aside some time to come over.:)

Unknown said...

I would love to help you paint. That will get me better prepared to paint my own house. Just let me know when. Sorry about your truck. Let us know if you need help moving k.

Sher said...

that's so sad! my car was almost stolen in front of my own house a couple months after I got married. They popped the window open to unlock the car, dashed the key ignition to pieces, but I think my hubby startled them cuz he got up at 4ish to leave to work, they almost had my stupid Honda! now I have a key to unlock and a key to start the car...stupid thieves!