Friday, June 11, 2010

Twilight Party

Somehow, surprisingly I got invited to a Twilight/ Edward's birthday party last night(Thursday). It was a ton of fun and even though I knew very (very) little about Twilight I still enjoyed myself.
Here is the super cute invite.
We played Twingo (twilight/ bingo)

look at these super cute candle holders that were made

chocolate filled strawberry rose
We each received one of these as well.

The food and dessertS were so good that I am still feeling the effects of it now.

We all were assigned a character and had to bring a door prize for everyone that related to that character. Some people were super creative!
This was all possible because of this wonderfully talented/creative woman Vanessa Campbell.
Thanks for inviting me.
To see more of what she does click here.

1 comment:

Jonny and Brittany said...

SO jealous!!!! How fun is that! I must say your host did such a good job! I love the apple candle cute!