Friday, October 30, 2009

quotes and poems

I was flipping through my old EFY book and some random poems and quotes stuck out to me and I wanted to share them.

"You have to be different in order to make a difference"
I think this will now be my life's motto

My son's a CTR.... I go to PEC.
I work for CES... I study the TG.
I read the B of M... I probe the D&C.
I search the KJV... I ponder the JST.
Today in BYC... we planned for EFY.
I stayed a little after... and had a PPI.
The YW and YM... are putting on a play.
It's the one I remember.. we did in MIA.
Before our oldest son... went to the MTC.
He helped the BSA.. complete their SME.
Soon our oldest daughter.. is headed for the Y.
Soon our oldest clothes... is going to DI.
Now, if you've understood... this alphabetic mess.
The chances are quite good.. that you are LDS.

"It is better to prepare and prevent than it is to repair and repent."

Monday, October 12, 2009

Temple Pictures

This past week I was able to go to Utah with my mother, sister Rachel, and Tori. We stopped by 4 different temples so I could take pictures of them. They are so pretty and very peaceful.
I had fun playing in photoshop today with all my temples pictures that I had.
Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Halloween Help

What should Tori be for Halloween? I can't decide. So I need you to vote on the left hand side.
Garden Gnome?

Fro her hair out and spray paint it?