Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 50

100 day work challenge: DAY 50!
Status: Feeling pretty darn good.
Workout: Boxing Circuit Class(hardest class ever) (I get to use my new pink boxing wraps)

I am feeling better and better about going to the gym EVERYDAY. I really had no idea if I would be able to stick with this or not. But being a stay at home mom makes it pretty easy for me. I just don't really make plans in the morning. (not that I use to before) The difference I see now is that I can now run a mile with no problem. I usually do 2 1/2 miles on some kind of machine. I don't hate the treadmill anymore. AND I'm not as sore after every workout.
I also cannot drink caffeine anymore. I body can't handle it anymore. I literally won't be able to sleep at night after I drink it. So.. goodbye sweet mountain dew(i do love you).
I am also darker than I have ever been (according to Brett). Tori and I go outside and swim alot now. I don't mind being sun-kissed.

P.s. On a different note we have now lived in our house for 1 YEAR! That year has flown by. I am loving my house more and more each day.


Unknown said...

Good for you Heather!

The Epps Fam said...

I am so SO proud of you! Working out makes such a difference in every aspect of your life! Keep up the good work and give us some pictures to see!

Tiffanie White said...

I've been thinking about you... I NEED to call you, really, but I seem to always think of it at bad times!? GOOD JOB though, awesome that you've been so consistent and when those next 50 days are "done" you will not want to be "done" because you'll be so used to it! Miss you!